special price Enslaved: Odyssey to the West game ps $40.00 and more promotion as now
some story of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Latest work of  the Ninja Theory  team who created for Heavenly Sword.  But  for  Enslaved  games the teams have changed  to work with Namco Bandai Games.
Style of playing, character, image still  similar to the PS3 game Heavenly Sword.  By it  is fantasy adventure action.Enslaved will play on systems that use the enemy to rally toward us.  Because  characters that  the player has  to control have  two characters and help to attacks for overthrowing the enemy, which have to use  the environment of the scene  to help  in a fight with as well as solving puzzles in the game.

some review of played Enslaved: Odyssey to the West game ps3
If you're looking for a game that will keep you playing just for the story look no further. The strongest feature in this game is the plot, featuring a small but well developed cast of characters and story that will keep you interested from start to finish. The gameplay follows a standard "button masher" formula similar the Kingdom Hearts or God of War series.

Despite the lack of ingenuity in how this interactive story is played, I have found it to still be an incredibly immersive experience due to the richness of both story and graphics. On that note, the graphics deserve a special mention as this is an incredibly beautiful game (google screenshots to see for yourself).

Is this game worth buying? Definitely. Is this game worth $60, well that depends on if you are more interesting in the storytelling portion of the interactive storytelling experience games provide. If you've enjoyed titles such as Heavy Rain, Psychonauts, and/or the Mass Effect trilogy where the plot is the selling point of the game, then I would recommend buying this game as soon as possible. If not, then I would recommend waiting until the price drops down to something more reasonable before purchasing it.

If you want to see more detail and surprise promotion game ps3 click at  Enslaved: Odyssey To The West

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